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Voter Registration for smart Voter ID/National ID card BD: Voter ID card/ national ID card now online registration link on our website. Bangladesh Election Commission offer real chance to apply for Bangladeshi new 18 years old people for Voter ID card or National ID card. Check details of New Voter ID Registration Process from below firstly offline or manually- next online, Emergency Process:-

How to Apply New Voter Registration for smart Voter ID or National ID card?
Voter ID card (NID) Registration
Manually:-স্মার্ট জাতীয় পরিচয়পত্র গ্রহনের পূর্বে আপনার করনীয় How to get smart National id card
Voter ID card (NID) Registration Manual Process Bangladesh: - It’s simple and easy to apply for New voter ID Card or National Identity card. It’s ongoing process of updating the voter list. Who is a citizen of Bangladesh, usually lives in the area, but still did not register as voters and if your age is 18 years earlier to 1st January 2016 or the corresponding Upazila / Thana Election contact the office in accordance with the schedule (It will given you from local election office to you for capture photo and biometrics) for your registration by full filling out Form-2. Some necessary documents to need for apply of new voter. স্মার্টকার্ড কখন ও কোথা থেকে বিতরণ করা হবে ওয়েবসাইটে গিয়ে NID Online Services লিংকে অনলাইনে প্রয়োজনীয় তথ্য জানতে পারবেন। কিংবা যেকোনো মোবাইল থেকে কল করে বা এসএমএস পাঠিয়ে নাগরিকেরা সহজেই জানতে পারবেন।

Article 122 of the Constitution (II) and The Electoral Act, 009 (Act No. 6 of 2009), according to the Election Commission the responsibility to make the following qualifications have been completed voter lists of citizens-

(A)  The  citizen of Bangladesh;
(B)  18 years old;
(C)  Not declared by a competent court to be of unsound mind;
(D)  Or in the case of any electoral area, the area is considered to be resident;
Voter ID card/ National ID card correction process
Citizen has to collect form from respective Election Commission Office, fill up and submit to the same with relevant documents for registration of voter list & collection of smart national ID-Voter ID Card from local election office.
There are some important documents which are needed to registration. They are given below:-
1.    SSC Certificate (Age verification certificate)
2.    Birth Certificate (Age verification certificate)
3.    Passport/ Driving License/ TIN (Age verification certificate)
4.    Photocopy of Utility bill/ house rent receipt/ holding tax receipt (Citizenship verification certificate)
5.    Citizenship verification certificate (As applicable)

6.    Photocopy of father, mother, husband/ wife ID card (if applicable)

Voter ID card (NID) Registration
Smart Voter ID card (NID) Registration Online Process Bangladesh:- New smart Voter ID card Registration Online Bangladesh is a current process of Election Commission Bangladesh. Voter ID Registration was before hand to hand. A number of agents data collectors are went ID Cards holder’s house & they were registration for National ID card Maximum people of Bangladesh were held by this way but some people were cut down for some reason. They were waiting register next year. But year 2015-2016 New Voter ID card holders can Registration by online. There are some rules for registration. Those are in Bangla on image:-
1.    Voter ID card has to be Bangladeshi by birth.
2.    Age should be 18 as on 1st January 2016.
3.    There are some important documents which are needed to registration. They are given below:-
a)    SSC Certificate (Age verification certificate)
b)    Birth Certificate (Age verification certificate)
c)    Passport/ Driving License/ TIN (Age verification certificate)
d)    Photocopy of Utility bill/ house rent receipt/ holding tax receipt (Citizenship verification certificate)
e)    Citizenship verification certificate (As applicable)
f)     Photocopy of father, mother, husband/ wife ID card (if applicable)

Smart Voter ID card Registration Online Process
You can process Voter Registration online correctly. Remember it; if you are existing voters, no need to re apply through online. And if you register again then you will be punished. Only 18 years old people and Overseas or excluded Voters can register through online.

1.    Please fill in the bland online Registration form step by step with valid information.
2.    All information Fill in Bangal Language (Unicode) without your full name.
3.    After completing all form fill-up step, please check again your all information.
4.    Then make a PDF files to print and submit this file with the required documents on your closest Upazila / thana Election Office (That you selected the form)

5.    When you  submit all file then Upazila/ Thana Election Officers will verify your information, they will start process to create your name enlisted voter list and Voter ID or National ID card.

Smart Voter ID card (NID) Registration
Emergency purpose:-
Voter ID card (NID) Registration Emergency Process Bangladesh:- If anyone 18 years of old wants to get their Voter ID card/ national ID card right now for emergency purpose like visiting or migrating to abroad for study, work or any other issues can do so by submitting necessary proofs and documents. Who is being 18 years of old now can enlist voter list or electoral roll & get their ID any time & any months.  Every year update voter list during January and February months, when the Voter List will be updated. Server stations are being established in every sub districts or upazila or thana election office in Bangladesh now. Creating voter lists and national ID card Distributions will be done from these stations. When these programs will be started the newcomers who are yet to have their cards can make their names in the list.

The Non Resident Bangladeshi can get their smart national or voter ID card. They can enlist voter list or electoral roll & get their ID any time & any months. To get the card they need to come to Bangladesh. They must have-

1.    Passports, Arrival seals in passports.
2.    If they dont have the passports, they need to show such documents which will prove them as they stayed in abroad.
3.    There they will be needed to fill up the forms (form 2 & form 11) for National or Voter ID card.
4.    SSC Certificate (Age verification certificate)
5.    Birth Certificate (Age verification certificate)
6.    Passport/ Driving License/ TIN (Age verification certificate)
7.    Photocopy of Utility bill/ house rent receipt/ holding tax receipt (Citizenship verification certificate)
8.    Citizenship verification certificate (As applicable)

9.    Photocopy of father, mother, husband/ wife ID card (if applicable)
 Smart Voter ID card Registration Emergency Process
Processing National ID/ Voter ID card for Non Residents in Bangladesh:- They will have to go to Thana Election Office/ District Election Office having documents and forms. All necessary documents will be sent to the Election Commission from there by intranet (internal net system of election commission Bangladesh). But voter can come to the thana/ upazila election office himself after finishing all formalities for taking photos, eyes scanning, finger scanning will be done to ensure the privacy. Collecting the necessary information about each application will be sent to the District Election Officer. District Election Officer central database via VPN to verify and test the evidence submitted, if necessary, will consider the application for further investigation carried out quickly. For further confirmation of any hearing or official applicant is able to give more information. If the applicant is eligible to be a voter registration process will start District Election Officer and the National Identity Register BVRS will send information to NIDW. Then they can get their smart National/Voter ID card as emergency basis after uploading data on server. Or voter can apply online. Form Download  

The present Voter ID card or National ID card (NID) valid for 15 years, have the card owner’s name, their parents names, date of birth, and specific ID numbers on one side and the residential addresses on the other side.  Voter ID card/ National ID card correction process

 Voter Registration for smart Voter ID/National ID card BD

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