New Voter ID card Registration online BD

Voter RegistrationNew Voter ID card Registration online Bangladesh, Manual Process, and Emergency Process:- To get voter registration card, every voters must be fill up voter registration form according to voting systems .Voter can registered to vote online. Do you know how to register to vote?স্মার্টকার্ড কখন ও কোথা থেকে বিতরণ করা হবে ওয়েবসাইটে গিয়ে NID Online Services লিংকে অনলাইনে প্রয়োজনীয় তথ্য জানতে পারবেন। কিংবা যেকোনো মোবাইল থেকে কল করে বা এসএমএস পাঠিয়ে নাগরিকেরা সহজেই জানতে পারবেন।

Voter List Updating News

New Voter Registration: Updating of voter list is an ongoing process. For the year 2015, if you are a Bangladeshi citizen, frequently lived in a voter area and before 1st January 2015 you are 18 or above but not registered as a voter yet, you may register as a voter. At the time of enrollment you need some papers for Form-2 like,
  • S.S.C. or equivalent certificate
  • Birth certificate
  • Passport / Driving license / TIN certificate
  • Utility bill copy/House rent receipt/Holding tax receipt – (as a proof of address)
  • Citizenship certificate (as applicable)
  • Father, Mother, Husband/wife’s ID card photocopy.
For some cases you may need to fill up a special form for declared special areas.

Issuance of Duplicate NID: If a National Identity Card of any citizen is lost or damaged in any way, he/she may apply in prescribed manner to NID Wing for a fresh one. Upon receiving an application the NID Wing shall, within a prescribed time and in the prescribed manner, issue a fresh National Identity Card to such citizen.

Correction of NID: In case of correction of information, the applicant must apply with supporting document. In all cases, SSC certificate will get priorities if the person is SSC qualified. Besides, birth registration certificate, passport, driving license, marriage/divorce certificate, newspaper published circulation, magistrate court affidavit, service book etc, may be required as a proof of corrected information.

Migration of Voter Area: Those who already registered as a voter but need to 
migrate their voter area they have to fill up Form-13 or Form-14 . These forms have to be sent to concern Upazila/Thana Election Offices for verification. A photocopy of ID card has to be attached with the migration form.

Deletion of Death Voter: You shall have toinform the respective Upazila/Thana Election Office about death voter for deleting their name from active voter list by filling up Form-12.
Undistributed NID Card delivery: The voters, who have been registered, but their NID card has not yet been handed over will collect their NID card from respective Upazila/Thana Election Office.
Please note, registered voters will only be issued with National ID card.

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