Voter ID/ National ID Card Correction- Election Commission Bangladesh- FAQs

Voter ID Card Registration id card correction national identity BD. Smart Voter ID/National ID Card -Registration & Correction. Bangladesh national identity FAQs   
( Question and Answer)স্মার্ট জাতীয় পরিচয়পত্র গ্রহনের পূর্বে আপনার করনীয় How to get smart National id card 

QUESTION 1: How to Correction National Identity-Voter ID Card?

ANSWER: Upazila/ thana election office to apply for a correction of incorrect information. Sufficient to amend the appropriate documents to be attached to the application.

QUESTION 2: What if the card is a record to be corrected?

ANSWER: All the correction of the records are stored in the central database.

QUESTION 3 : Eerroneously father / husband / mother of the deceased for the correction of what is referred to as the certificate must be submitted?

ANSWERLiving father / husband / mother mistakenly referred to as dead because of the person's voter id card/ national ID card must be submitted in order to modifyস্মার্টকার্ড কখন ও কোথা থেকে বিতরণ করা হবে ওয়েবসাইটে গিয়ে NID Online Services লিংকে অনলাইনে প্রয়োজনীয় তথ্য জানতে পারবেন। কিংবা যেকোনো মোবাইল থেকে কল করে বা এসএমএস পাঠিয়ে নাগরিকেরা সহজেই জানতে পারবেন।

QUESTION 4 I'm single, on my voter id card/ national ID card  the place of father's name mistakenly  written  husband, how can it be fixed?

 ANSWER: You will go to your local upazila / thana election office, and submeted the documents that you are not married. such as Birth certificate. 200 taka
Fees / charges for the shipment of the Treasury or the "Secretary, Election Commission Secretariat" in favor of pay order / bank draft through (including VAT) will be paid.All branches of the Bangladesh Bank, the Treasury and the bank branches fee is fixed at the rate of national economic identity code No. "1-0601-0001-1847" and the value added tax at the rate of 15 per cent on fees to be submitted.

 Economic Value Added Tax Code No. "1-1133-0000-0311." "0000" of the cutter in place of the corresponding source code will write Commissionerate. Commissionerate code for the arts is as follows:

>Dhaka (East) -0030 
>Dhaka (East) -0030
  >Dhaka (South) - 0010

>Rangpur -0045
>Rajshahi- 0020
  >Dhaka (West) -0035
> Kumilla
>Jossor     -0005

>Chittagong- 0025
>Dhaka (North) -0015

QUESTION 5 : What is the process to add her husband's name after marriage on voter id card/ national ID card ?

 ANSWER1. Marriage registry document( Nikahnama)
2. Photocopy of National ID card of husband
3.  Original national ID card of  Applicant
4. Slip of 200 taka fee,  and Application form. ( detail at Q- 4)

Application submitted at the Upazila / Thana Election office .

QUESTION 6 : Divorce has become. Now the voter id card/ national ID card  to be excluded from her husband's name?

 ANSWER: 1. Divorce documents (deed of divorcement) connect.
2.  Original national ID card of  Applicant
3. Slip of 200 taka fee,  and Application form. ( detail at Q- 4)

Application submitted at the Upazila / Thana Election office .

Question 7:  After the divorce, I married  now, ex-husband's instead of the name current husband's on national ID card ?

 ANSWER: 1. Divorce documents (deed of divorcement) connect.
2.  Original national ID card of  Applicant
3. Slip of 200 taka fee,  and Application form. ( detail at Q- 4)
4. Marriage registry document( Nikahnama)
5. Photocopy of National ID card of husband
Application submitted at the Upazila / Thana Election office for voter id card/ national ID card .

Question 8:  I want to change my employment status/ occupation/ job on nid, how I do that?
 ANSWER: 1.  Authentic documents must be submitted. It may be noted, this information on the ID card doesn't printed.
2.  Original national ID card of  Applicant
3. Slip of 200 taka fee,  and Application form. ( detail at Q- 4)
Application submitted at the Upazila / Thana Election office for voter id card/ national ID card .

Question 9: the picture of ID Card is  blurry, I want  to change the picture?

ANSWER: He appeared as himself in the National Identity Registration wing under election Commission  will apply.

Question 10: His / father / husband / Mother to correct the spelling of the name and what documents should be submitted with the application?

ANSWER: 1. SSC / equivalent certificate, birth certificate, passport, citizenship, residence, employment certificate, marriage license, the father / husband / Mother's national identity are required to submit certified copies.
2. Original national ID card of  Applicant.

3. Slip of 200 taka fee,  and Application form. ( detail at Q- 4)
Application submitted at the Upazila / Thana Election office for voter id card/ national ID card .

Question 11: His nickname is registered in the name or what documents should be submitted with the application for correction?
ANSWER: 1. SSC / equivalent certificate
2. Married to wife / husband attested copy of national identity
3. National newspaper notice (জাতীয় পত্রিকায় বিজ্ঞপ্তি)
4. Magistrate court affidavit executed (ম্যাজিট্রেট কোর্টে সম্পাদিত এফিডেভিট)

5. Charter inherit (ওয়ারিশ সনদ)
6. Union / Municipal or City Corporation in connection with the name of your certificate.(ইউনিয়ন/পৌর বা সিটি কর্পোরেশন হতে আপনার নাম সংক্রান্ত প্রত্যয়নপত্র।)
7. Original national ID card of  Applicant
8. Slip of 200 taka fee,  and Application form. ( detail at Q- 4)
Application submitted at the Upazila / Thana Election office for voter id card/ national ID card .

Question 12: Father / mother 'dead' if you want to do is to submit the certificate?পিতা/মাতাকে মৃত উল্লেখ করতে চাইলে কি কি সনদ দাখিল করতে হয়?

ANSWER: Father / mother / husband of the dead if you want to specify the certificate must be submitted to the deadপিতা/মাতা/স্বামী মৃত উল্লেখ করতে চাইলে মৃত সনদ দাখিল করতে হবে।
1. Original national ID card of  Applicant
2. Slip of 200 taka fee,  and Application form. ( detail at Q- 4)
Application submitted at the Upazila / Thana Election office for voter id card/ national ID card  .

Question 13: How to address the changes / corrections can be? প্রশ্নঃ ঠিকানা কিভাবে পরিবর্তন/ সংশোধন করা যায়?
ANSWER: That's why a change of address changes in habitats that are currently live in the Upazila / Thana Election office in the form of 13 can apply.However, changes in the electoral area or address information or any incorrect spelling of the application to amend the application form that can be fixed. Details  শুধুমাত্র আবাসস্থল পরিবর্তনের কারনেই ঠিকানা পরিবর্তনের জন্য বর্তমানে যে এলাকায় বসবাস করছেন সেই এলাকার উপজেলা/ থানা নির্বাচন অফিসে ফর্ম ১৩ এর মাধ্যমে আবেদন করা যাবে। তবে একই ভোটার এলাকার মধ্যে পরিবর্তন বা ঠিকানার তথ্য বা বানানগত কোন ভুল থাকলে সাধারণ সংশোধনের আবেদন ফরমে আবেদন করে সংশোধন করা যাবে।

Question 14: Voter Registration Complete but Name Not listed in your Voter area- What Will You Do?

ANSWER: Your registration is complete, you have a registration slip but when voter list published, you could not find your name in voter list in your voter area. Firstly you will go to your local election office Upazila/ thana election office. You may request Upazila/ thana election officer to check your voter status by your slip number. Check your name status on server; however, if your name server is not available after that you can registration again at any time.

Question 15: I am old and very poor is very necessary as a result of old age allowance or any other allowance. But due to certain age can not get any public benefits. Increasing age allowance for those people that can be found on the ID Card? আমি বৃদ্ধ ও অত্যন্ত দরিদ্র ফলে বয়স্ক ভাতা বা অন্য কোন ভাতা খুব প্রয়োজন। কিন্তু নির্দিষ্ট বয়স না হওয়ার ফলে কোন সরকারী সুবিধা পাচ্ছি না। লোকে বলে ID Card এ বয়সটা বাড়ালে ঐ সকল ভাতা পাওয়া যাবে?

ANSWER: Given the age of the ID Card can not be changed without the evidence. The investigation and examination of documents Documentary subject to investigation measures were taken.ID Card এ প্রদত্ত বয়স প্রামাণিক দলিল ব্যতিত পরিবর্তন সম্ভব নয়। উল্লেখ্য, প্রামানিক দলিল তদন্ত ও পরীক্ষা করে তদন্ত সাপেক্ষে ব্যবস্থা গ্রহণ করা হয়।

Question 16 : Mohammad Eunus Matbor Bhuiyan আমার কাছে id card নাই কি ভাবে কি করব জানিনা,(fb)
ANSWER: If you want to a national ID, then you should go to your local election office ( Upazila/ thana) & apply there.

Question 16 : I registered on 2014 but still awaiting for the card... Meanwhile i can not buy sim card, can not re register them, can not have a bank a/c and other facilities due to this... Can you please tell me a way(fb)

ANSWER: National ID card (smart card) printing is running of year in '2015 . Registered on 2014 completed. Please wait a few months. You can collect a server print copy from your local election office by your registration slip (If applicable for emergency need). 

Question 17 : I passed SSC or higher academic qualifications have written voter id/ national id card without my  knowledge how ways to amend it? আমি পাশ না করেও অজ্ঞতাবশতঃ শিক্ষাগত যোগ্যতা এসএসসি বা তদুর্দ্ধ লিখেছিলাম, সংশোধনের উপায় কি?

ANSWER: 1. Magistrate court affidavit executed (ম্যাজিট্রেট কোর্টে সম্পাদিত এফিডেভিট)
2. National newspaper notice (জাতীয় পত্রিকায় বিজ্ঞপ্তি)
3. Original national ID card of  Applicant
4. Slip of 200 taka fee,  and Application form. ( detail at Q- 4)

Application submitted at the Upazila / Thana Election office for voter id card/ national ID card . National ID Card Correction, Migration form & Lost Form Download

Question 18 : Waz Kanon Correction nid card ki Within 1 month ar mdhe pawa jai must?

ANSWER: If you submitted your educational certificate then you will get to correction NID card within a month. Otherwise investigation other document will can be Delayed.

Question 19 : In online reg form there is Gandaria Thana missing. What we have to do now?
ANSWER: You submitted your online registration form in Gandaria Thana.  That form missing from gandaria election office ? Am i right? You will show  your confirmation message at thana election officer and he or she will inform you what is the status of your registration. Any problem to comment here. Thanks for comment

Question 20 :Hossain Rajib when I get my nid? the election commission said they give it 26 march but still I can't get it.

ANSWER: A high official of election commission Bangladesh said that it will  be distribution in June' 2016. National ID card (smart card) printing is completed of year in '2014 voters . Please wait a few months. You can collect a server print copy from your local election office (If applicable for emergency need). Comment here for any help. Thanks to comment.

Question 20: How to incorporated or correction blood group on voter ID card/ National ID card? রক্তের গ্রুপ অন্তর্ভূক্ত বা সংশোধনের জন্য কি করতে হয়?

ANSWER: The report is to be submitted of blood group Diagnostic determination for Blood group included or correction.রক্তের গ্রুপ অন্তর্ভুক্ত বা সংশোধন করতে রক্তের গ্রুপ নির্ণয়কৃত ডায়াগনোসটিক রিপোর্ট দাখিল করতে হয়।

Question 21: Acknowledgment / ID Card is lost, but there is no Document or NID Number / Roll Number / slip number, what do you do in that case?

ANSWER:  To Collect the Voter Number from the upazila / thana / district election office and Slip of 200 taka fee,  and Application form. ( detail at Q- 4). Application submitted at the Upazila / Thana Election office for voter id card/ national ID card . 
If lost voter ID card/ national ID card--

1.Make a General Dairy in the local police station including the NID number/ Voter number

2. Collect the free application form from local Election Commission Office/any thana or district election office

3.     Fill-up the form with Name, Address, issued NID or Voter ID number and signature along with the GD copy.
4.     The Voter number can be collected from the local Election commission office

5. Submit the filled application to Upazila election office. Upazila Election / Thana Election officer by Registration officer.

 Question 22: Nayeem Islam Imon bhaiya amr id card ta ki kore pabo??

ANSWER: A high official of election commission Bangladesh said that it will be distribution in June' 2016. National ID card (smart card) printing is completed of year in '2014 voters . Please wait a few months. You can collect a server print copy from your local election office (If applicable for emergency need). Comment here for any help. Thanks to comment.

Voter ID/ National ID Card Correction

Question 23: vai amr voter slip harie gase now ami kivbe NID tulte parbo?

ANSWER: To Collect the Voter Number from the upazila / thana / district election office.  or
You send me your full name, father's name, Date of birth, Voter area name( village name), word no. Name of Union /pourashova/ city corporation word no, Upazila/than and District. On facebook Comment/ message options.

Question 24: Môhâmmâð Sôlàîmàñ Âlí Vhi amar certificate age 16 . Ami notun voter hote chi. Amar bortoman thikana kajla jatrabari Dhaka. Ami kivabe smat card pabo abong ati pete amar koronio ki ki

ANSWER: Aged 15+ tentative voter data collection now closed. You will be present Next year voter updating schedule. Your name will enlisted voter list when you 18 years old, that time you get smart national ID card. Every voter will get smart national ID card. No, alternative ways. Thanks to comment here.

 Question 25: nsouciant Shahed Akil jonmo nibondhon number disilm vtr er frm a,,,to oi number dia ber korar moto kono system ase,,,I lost my slip

ANSWER:  There are no way to find out voter number or national ID card number by birth certificate number.

 Question 26: Môhâmmâð Sôlàîmàñ Âlí Amar driving licence a age vule 19 year dewa ase. But amar s.s.c and h.s.c certificate and jonmo nibondhon age 17 year 6 mash . Ami jokhon voter I'd card korbo tokhon ki kono problem hobe? Amar real age 17 year 6 mash . Nid te amar age ki 17. 6 e thakbe kina ? Kindly janan onek tens a asi

ANSWER: You use the date of birth according to your SSC certificate for NID/ voter ID card registration form( form -2), that's enough.

 Question 27: Registration as a voter, I can not in a timely manner. What can be done now? আমি যথা সময়ে ভোটার হিসেবে Registration করতে পারিনি। এখন কি করা যাবে?

ANSWER: You can to submit apply at local  Upazila/ thana election office to notify real reasons for absence of voter ID registration.সংশ্লিষ্ট উপজেলা/থানা/জেলা নির্বাচন অফিসে যথাযথ কারণ উল্লেখপূর্বক আবেদন করতে পারেন।

 Question 28: Voter list with the name of the title, occupation, religious designation, designation, etc. should be added? ভোটার তালিকার নামের সাথে বিভিন্ন খেতাব, পেশা, ধর্মীয় উপাধি, পদবী ইত্যাদি যুক্ত করা যাবে কিনা?

ANSWER: Only the name of the voter registration database is connected, which can not be added to the titles or designations earned. ভোটার তালিকার ডাটাবেজে শুধুমাত্র নাম সংযুক্ত করা হয়, কোন উপাধি বা অর্জিত পদবী তাতে সংযুক্ত করার অবকাশ নাই।

  Question 29: vai amar akta id card hariye gese kivabe bahir korbo sudu id no. mone ase

1.    Make a General Dairy in the local police station including the NID number/ Voter number
2.     Collect the free application form from local Election Commission Office/any thana or district election office
3.     Fill-up the form with Name, Address, issued NID or Voter ID number and signature along with the GD copy.
4.     The Voter number can be collected from the local Election commission office Download Link

5.  Slip of 200 taka fee,  and Application form. ( detail at Q- 4)

6.  Submit the filled application to Upazila election office. Upazila Election / Thana Election officer by Registration officer.

7.     After submitting the form, a received memo will be provided with a delivery date.

Question 30: What kinds of papers or documents to need for new voter registration and to get national ID card?

ANSWER: The papers or documents to need for new voter registration and to get national ID card-

1) Birth registration certificate,
2) S, S, C, or equivalent certificate (if any) for proof of date of birth ,
3) Copy of any utility bill for proof of address,
4) Citizenship Certificate,
5) NID or voter ID card photocopy of the parents,
6) If you married husband / wife NID voter ID card photocopy,
7) Passport, driving license, TIN number (if any).

Question 31: Ami id kibhave verified korbo? Id number 12 hobe?
National ID Card Bangladesh

ANSWER:      Details

Question 31: Singapore theke ami ki voter hote pari?

Answer: From Singapore you can't enlisted voter list or national ID registration.

Question 31: I am Bangladeshi

>>>>>When you will come Bangladesh From Singapore, contact with your local Upazila election office for enlisted voter list and national ID card.

Question 32: National Identity Card standards are currently not well developed in the future have the opportunity to do it?

Answer: Smart NIDs will come with 25 security features and eight others that meet international standards. Election Commission (EC) said in a brief about the smart NID the laser-engraved, polycarbonate-based, high security identification card would prevent forgery and be used for public services. Smart NIDs will have some 25 uses, including obtaining TAX (Tax Identification Number), driving license, passport, submitting job applications, selling real state, opening bank accounts, insurance, marriage registration and divorce, immigration and admission to educational institutions.

Question 33: What happens if the voter national ID card registration deliberate  misinformation? কার্ডে ইচ্ছাকৃত ভুল তথ্য দিলে কি হবে?

Answer: Could be sentenced to jail or fine, or with both.জেল বা জরিমানা অথবা উভয় দন্ডে দণ্ডিত হতে পারে।

Question 34: National identity card (NID) numbers of 13 digits and others 17 digits, why? জাতীয় পরিচয়পত্র নম্বর ১৩ আবার কারো ১৭ কেন?

Answer:The ID card is printed on 2008 after being made or revise these card numbers are 17 digits. ২০০৮ এর পরে যত আইডি কার্ড প্রিন্ট করা হচ্ছে বা পুণঃ তৈরি হচ্ছে সে সকল কার্ডের নম্বর ১৭ ডিজিট হয়ে থাকে।

Question 35: Fingerprints can be detected with a duplicate NID registration or voter list enlisted or entry? আঙ্গুলের ছাপ দিয়ে কি ডুপ্লিকেট এন্ট্রি সনাক্ত করা সম্ভব?

Answer: Yes, it is possible to detect. হ্যাঁ, সনাক্ত করা সম্ভব।

Question 36: Robbani Shuvo নামের বানান ভুল থাকলে কিভাবে সংশোধন করব? আমি এখনো ID card হাতে পাই নাই।please কেউ জানান।

Answer: 1. SSC / equivalent certificate
2. Married to wife / husband attested copy of national identity (if any)
3. National newspaper notice (জাতীয় পত্রিকায় বিজ্ঞপ্তি)
4. Magistrate court affidavit executed (ম্যাজিট্রেট কোর্টে সম্পাদিত এফিডেভিট)

5. Charter inherit (ওয়ারিশ সনদ)
6. Union / Municipal or City Corporation in connection with the name of your certificate.(ইউনিয়ন/পৌর বা সিটি কর্পোরেশন হতে আপনার নাম সংক্রান্ত প্রত্যয়নপত্র।)


7. Original national ID card of  Applicant/ Original Registration slip
8. Slip of 200 taka fee,  and Application form. ( detail at Q- 4)
Application submitted at the Upazila / Thana Election office for voter id card/ national ID card .

Question 37: Nasim Uddin Liton vai amr voter slip harie gase .but votar no ase.ami kivbe NID tulte parbo?
Answer: At the time of national ID card distribution in Pabna you will comment here, no problem I will help you.

Question 38: তাহলে মোবাইল সীম রেজিস্ট্রেশন করবো কিভাবে? সময় শেষ হয়ে যাবেতো? How will do mobile SIM register by national ID card?
Answer: You can collect a server print copy from your local election office (If applicable for emergency need). Comment here for any help. Thanks to comment.


Question 39: There are no national ID cards, but how is it possible to change the information on the data that has changed? জাতীয় পরিচয়পত্রে নেই কিন্তু তথ্য পরিবর্তিত হয়েছে এমন তথ্যাদি পরিবর্তন কিভাবে সম্ভব?

Answer: National Identity Bangladesh, including papers relating to the application will be considered by the scrutiny.Application submitted at the Upazila / Thana Election office for voter id card/ national ID card .

Question 40: His nickname is registered in the name or what documents should be submitted with the application for correction?

Answer: 1. SSC / equivalent certificate
2. Married to wife / husband attested copy of national identity (if any)
3. National newspaper notice (জাতীয় পত্রিকায় বিজ্ঞপ্তি)

4. Magistrate court affidavit executed (ম্যাজিট্রেট কোর্টে সম্পাদিত এফিডেভিট)
You can collect a server print copy from your local election office (If applicable for 5. Charter inherit (ওয়ারিশ সনদ)
6. Union / Municipal or City Corporation in connection with the name of your certificate.(ইউনিয়ন/পৌর বা সিটি কর্পোরেশন হতে আপনার নাম সংক্রান্ত প্রত্যয়নপত্র।)


7. Original national ID card of  Applicant/ Original Registration slip
8. Slip of 200 taka fee,  and Application form. ( detail at Q- 4)
Application submitted at the Upazila / Thana Election office for voter id card/ national ID card .emergency need). Comment here for any help. Thanks to comment.

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