Voter ID card Correction

Voter ID card correction: Collaboration of voter about Bangladesh national identity voter ID card correction. Voter ID card correction form download, Lost ID card duplicate issue form all of correction of information, and applicant must apply Bangladesh election Commission prescribe form. 

Voter ID card correction or national ID card correction process: স্মার্টকার্ড কখন ও কোথা থেকে বিতরণ করা হবে ওয়েবসাইটে গিয়ে NID Online Services লিংকে অনলাইনে প্রয়োজনীয় তথ্য জানতে পারবেন। কিংবা যেকোনো মোবাইল থেকে কল করে বা এসএমএস পাঠিয়ে নাগরিকেরা সহজেই জানতে পারবেন।Voter ID card correction/ national ID card correction now online link on our website. Bangladesh Election Commission offer real chance to apply for Bangladeshi all voters or people for Voter ID card or National ID card correction. Check details of Voters ID card correction & Registration Process from below. Voter ID card correction online process and offline process or manual process.

Voter ID card correction form download: Citizen has to collect form from respective Election Commission Office, fill up and submit to the same with relevant documents for registration of voter list & collection of national ID-Voter ID Card from local election office or download forms.

Voter ID card correction online apply: NID National Identity Registration wing under election commission Bangladesh online apply system and process are available for all voter. Voter id card or national ID card correction form to voter ID card correction, change voter area-migration ( form-13) and to get new voter card. You can now National Identity card (NID) application, modify create a account by online on NID wing website. You can process Voter correction & Registration online correctly. Remember it; if you are existing voters, no need to re apply through online. And if you register again then you will be punished. স্মার্ট জাতীয় পরিচয়পত্র গ্রহনের পূর্বে আপনার করনীয় How to get smart National id card Only 18 years old people and Overseas or excluded Voters can register through online.
ONLINE APPLY STEP BY STEPNew-voter-id-card-registration1-300x183
  1. Please fill in the bland online Registration (Signup) form step by step with valid information.
  2. All information Fill in Bangal Language (Unicode) without your full name.
  3. After completing all form fill-up step, please check again your all information.
  4. Then make a PDF files to print and submit this file with the required documents on your closest Upazila / thana Election Office (That you selected the form)
  5. When you submit all file then Upazila/ Thana Election Officers will verify your information, they will start process to correction your information voter list and Voter ID card or National ID card.
  6. Who can register for online services? If you are a voter registration Take advantage of this website. Follow the steps to register.
  7. After that you go to >‘’Login menu’’<Log in with your user name & password. >>Go to "Identity Statement" menu to see your identity statement.
  8. NOTE PLEASE: 1. please complete the registration process by filling out the required information.
  9. Obtained the activation code with your card information and phone log.
  10. Take the printed data changes by updating the information on the form.
  11. The printed scanned copy of the signed form and submit it online.
  12. In favor of changing the color of the required documents and submit scanned copies online.

NID service chargesVoter can now pay charges of national identity card related services-correction, lost voter ID card recollection through Dutch-Bangla Bank and Trust Bank. Service seekers can pay the NID service charges through both online & mobile banking channels of the two banks. Voter will be able to pay the charges using their ATM card as well. The service receivers can pay the charges to the Code No 1-0601-0001-1847 through treasury voucher from any treasury branch of Sonali Bank and all branches of Bangladesh Bank or send the charges through pay order or bank draft from any bank to the EC Secretary. To avail the NID services, people need to submit the forms with supportive documents and payment slip of the charges to the EC Upazila and Thana offices across the country. Voter ID card correction manual process.

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