Smart id card-BD national identity


Smart id card: Smart id card- will start distribution smart card bd this year on June 2016. Bangladeshi citizens to access all civic facilities & correct identificationNational ID Card -Voter ID correction Bangladesh. Bangladeshi citizens will start receiving smart card bd this year by June 2016. Every person will be able to access all civic facilities with the help of Smart ID card. Smart NID card will help contain crime & corruption in the country besides infusing dynamism into the activities of different organizations both in the public & private sectors. Election Commission Bangladesh has been developed database of over nine crore people for the introduction of the smart NID card.  The technical design of smart ID card incorporated in 3 tiers to check fake smart ID cards with 25 security features. The election commission Bangladesh made its design consistent with the spirit of the Liberation War. The smart ID card will last at least 10 years.

Receive and provide services to citizens have the correct identification: A National Identification (ID) smart Card is issued to a citizen or eligible to receive when they register to vote.  The National smart ID card is an electoral document that is used to identify you in the voting process.  It is also accepted as obtained prior to your being eligible to receive and provide services to citizens have the correct identification.

To ensure Smart id card the right people receive the right care: Greater accountability for all service providers, a shared responsibility for investing in continuing professional development to promote service & care. To given proper service consideration in taking forward to ensure the right people receive the right care by smart national ID card.
Online and offline verification facility: All adult citizens to right to cast voteBD national identity Smart id card system has been issuance of Duplicate NID, if a National Identity Card of any citizen is lost. These forms have to be sent to concern Upazila/Thana Election Offices for verification. Smart card has facilities to verification of online & offline.

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