National ID Card bd Smart National ID Card-ID Card bd news

National ID Card Bangladesh now smart NID 

What is a smart card and what is it used for?

A smart card, chip card, or integrated circuit(ICC) card smart card NID BD now very popular to the citizens of Bangladesh. It is a physical electronic authorization device, used to control access to a resource. Smart national ID cards provide the Bangladesh Election Commission. The smart card has an embedded integrated chip that acts as various security features.NID wing of Bangladesh Election Commission offers stronger above 25 security features included smart national ID card.

Smart national ID cards can provide personal identification, authentication, data storage, and application processing. Very important this smart card used applications include identification, financial, mobile phone(SIM), public transit, computer security, school, health, and other purposes.

The Election Commission (EC) will hand over smart National Identity (NID) cards to 9.62 crore voters. The microchips in smartcards will contain all information of a citizen. To maintain the security of smartcards, 25 international certifications and standards have been ensured. Before giving smart cards, scopes will be given to all to correct mistakes in NIDs. To correct any information in NID, one can collect prescribed forms (Correction application form) from thana or Upazila election offices and apply for the correction. The application form will have to be furnished with necessary documents and Tk 200 in treasury Chalan or pay order.

 স্মার্ট জাতীয় পরিচয়পত্র গ্রহনের পূর্বে আপনার করনীয় How to get smart National id card
 All online government facilities, including applying for jobs online, opening bank accounts, making passports, and e-governance, could be availed through the smartcards. NID is working with an objective of giving smartcards to voters on the Independence Day on March 26, 2016. EC earlier signed a contract with a French company for manufacturing and distributing nine crore smart cards. Launch smart National ID cards on October 2 You can check your NID SMS, Call 105, or by online services.

স্মার্টকার্ড কখন ও কোথা থেকে বিতরণ করা হবে ওয়েবসাইটে গিয়ে NID Online Services লিংকে অনলাইনে প্রয়োজনীয় তথ্য জানতে পারবেন। কিংবা যেকোনো মোবাইল থেকে কল করে বা এসএমএস পাঠিয়ে নাগরিকেরা সহজেই জানতে পারবেন। 

facilities available to citizens.Smart national id card Bangladesh details

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