National ID Card BD-How to Get New Voter/National ID Card if Lost

How to apply for lost voter id card,lost voter id card form,Issuance of Duplicate NID: If a National Identity Card of any citizen is lost or damaged in any way, he/she may apply in prescribed manner to NID Wing for a fresh one.স্মার্ট জাতীয় পরিচয়পত্র গ্রহনের পূর্বে আপনার করনীয় How to get smart National id card

What will I do if I lost my National ID card (NID)?

1.    Make a General Dairy in the local police station including the NID number/ Voter number
2.     Collect the free application form from local Election Commission Office/any thana or district election office
3.     Fill-up the form with Name, Address, issued NID or Voter ID number and signature along with the GD copy.
4.     The Voter number can be collected from the local Election commission office Download Link

5.    Submit the filled application to Upazila election office. Upazila Election / Thana Election officer by Registration officer.

6.     After submitting the form, a received memo will be provided with a delivery date.স্মার্টকার্ড কখন ও কোথা থেকে বিতরণ করা হবে ওয়েবসাইটে গিয়ে NID Online Services লিংকে অনলাইনে প্রয়োজনীয় তথ্য জানতে পারবেন। কিংবা যেকোনো মোবাইল থেকে কল করে বা এসএমএস পাঠিয়ে নাগরিকেরা সহজেই জানতে পারবেন।

 Upon receiving an application the NID Wing shall, within a prescribed time and in the prescribed manner, issue a fresh National Identity Card to such citizen.national id card lost,voter id card lost,i lost my voter id card what i do,how to get new voter id card if lost,how to apply for duplicate voter id card,lost voter id,voter id card duplicate issue,application for duplicate voter id card,how to apply for lost voter id card,lost voter id card form.
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Check Out-
1. National ID Card Bangladesh-How to Change Correction Edit  Process NID 2. National ID Card Bangladesh-How to change  information NID আসছে স্মার্ট জাতীয় পরিচয়পত্র
3. National ID Card Registration Complete but name not listed in cert en voter area
4. "Get General Information about National ID Card & Tourism in Bangladesh  Every Week for Free...Video .
National ID Card Lost Application Form
Download Link

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BD National ID Card Correction & Voter Card Online Apply System

Q My mother lost her nid card but she dont know her nid number .. now what she do? plz help me...How to recover it..?

You will go to your local election office Upazila/ thana election office. You may request Upazila/ thana election officer to check your voter status on voter list and collect voter number. Make a General Dairy in the local police station including the NID number/ Voter number. Collect the free application form from local Election Commission Office/any thana or district election office.Submit the filled application to Upazila election office. Upazila Election / Thana Election office with Slip of 200 taka fee,
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