National ID Card -Voter ID correction Bangladesh

 National ID Card -Voter ID correction Bangladesh স্মার্ট জাতীয় পরিচয়পত্র গ্রহনের পূর্বে আপনার করনীয় How to get smart National id card

BD Election commission bd, ec, ecs, ecb, EC bd, NID card Bangladesh, NID bd are the same institution Election Commission Bangladesh. NID card Bangladesh, provide some important services for all Bangladeshi voter.
national id card.  National ID Card -Voter ID correction Bangladesh
Election Commission
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Election commission bd National ID card -Voter ID correction: In case of correction of your NID information, the applicant must apply with supporting document according to your correction type. You may be submitted as a proof of corrected information such as SSC certificate will get priorities if the voter is SSC qualified. Besides, birth registration certificate, passport, driving license, marriage/ divorce certificate, and newspaper published circulation, magistrate court affidavit, service book etc for voter id Correction. You can comment here what kinds of correction do you want?

Answer your questions>

Officer will investigate the spot if necessary. Required documents could be attested by Member of Parliaments, the elected local government officials, gazetted government officials, and Heads of secondary and higher educational institutions.

Question about National ID Card -Voter ID correction Bangladesh-I've completed voter registratin in 2007-2008 or 2009-2010 for voter ID or National ID card but did not receive the ID card. Now how do you get ID cards?

Answer: You can contact with acknowledge receipt of  voter registration in the area where voters were Upazila / Thana Election office. If there is no national ID card in election office. Signature and seal of the Upazila Election Officer and comments on received the receipt, you can contacted at National Identity Registration wing Dhaka.

when I get my nid? the election commission said they give it 26 march but still I can't get it.

A high official of election commission Bangladesh said that it will be distribution in June' 2016. National ID card (smart card) printing is completed of year in '2014 voters . Please wait a few months. You can collect a server print copy from your local election office (If applicable for emergency need). Comment here for any help. Thanks to comment. National ID Card -Voter ID correction Bangladesh.

Dear Sir/Madam, I want to change my signature. As my earlier signature was very simple, so I want to use a more complex one. What is the process to change the signature on existing NID? thanks

Answer: New signature and acceptable proof of the signature to be attached to the application. The signature can be changed only once.You will go to your local upazila / thana election office, and submitted the documents & 200 taka Fees / charges for the shipment of the Treasury or the "Secretary, Election Commission Secretariat". Thanks to comment.

I hv done NID CORRECTION online today...i hv choosen dhaka dhanmondi for receiving delivery though my card issued from ctg..will it work ? Or i wasted my money n time..plz can u help?.

You will submit your printed documents with mobile number at dhanmondi thana election office according to online correction. After correction process you will get a message from NID wing of Election Commission of Bangladesh. It's no problem. Thanks to comment.
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